上海冰厂田幼儿园碧云部 黄鹰 英语活动:My body 活动目标: 1、学习单词“arm, neck”,能正确发音,并能注意到单复数的不同表达。 2、萌发对自己身体的各个部位的英语表达兴趣。 活动准备:人体模型板,魔法圈、钩子,星形贴纸、报贴、脸部图,记号笔、黑板、单词卡片、录音机、CD。 活动过程: 一、Look at my face(复习五官,单复数渗透) 1、猜图形:(出示一个圆形,鼓励幼儿大胆猜测)T:What’s this? C1: It’s a …. 2、画五官T:It’s a face. Can you tell us what are on the face? Let’s try to draw them on the face. 二、Show my body(新授单词) 1、认识身体部位: Ben(T):Hello! I am Ben. where is my body?It’s here. What do you see on my body? C:I see a。。。.) T: What colour are the stars? C: It’s green. T: Where is the red/yellow/blue star? C: It’s on the neck/arm. T: Where is your neck/arm? Show me your neck/arm. 2、练习 集体、个别、结合动词 3、游戏:说说做做I say you do:Show me your arm/neck . 玩法:老师提出一个部位(新授),幼儿指出,并说出相应英语,看谁速度快。 三、Play with my body(复习巩固) 1、游戏:挂魔环 玩法:幼儿分两组,根据指令选择相应颜色的魔环,挂到相应的人体部位,并用英语表达:例:T:Neck. C:Neck,neck .It’s a neck。” T: Put the red circle on the neck .(个别)/Neck , Where is the neck? C: Neck, neck .It’s neck./ Neck ,neck .It’s here.
2、游戏:一起来跳舞 玩法:跟随音乐摆动身体一起来跳舞,音乐停止时,根据指令点出相应部位并用英语表达。 T:Dance with our body. When the music stops, touch your body according to the following instructions and then say:‘Neck, neck. . It’s neck..